Frequently asked questions.

what is powerplay?

PowerPlay help you write your play and get it produced on stage in London.

We bring to life the dreams of playwrights-in-waiting like you, who want to see their play on stage but don’t know how to get it produced.

Write the play with our scripwriting support, and then let us make the magic happen.

how powerplay produce my play?

Our Platinum package covers all aspects of taking your play from blank page to stage. That includes allocating you a professional scriptwriting coach to guide you on structure, character voice, form and building your confidence as a playwright. PowerPlay then produce your play, and assemble a company of perfectly cast actors, professional director and technicians for a magical night of theatre.

We take care of everything that is involved in taking your finished play from blank page to stage, guiding you to write the play, whether that be from scratch or working on something you have already started.

And if you want to write your play but produce it yourself, then there are guided support packages for you too - just check out our services page for more info.

who is powerplay for?

PowerPlay is for anyone who adores the intangible magic of theatre, who has scripts gathering dust, or story ideas that circle in their heads, but are time-poor, lack knowledge when it comes to professional theatre production, and don’t know how to get their script written.

PowerPlay is for people who have submitted their plays to theatre producers in the past, received unconstructive rejection emails, and had their confidence seriously knocked.

PowerPlay is for people who always wanted to write a play and see it on stage, but just didn’t know where to start.

do i need to be based in london to have my play produced with the platinum package?

Unfortunately yes, you and your loved ones who see your play will need to be able to access London easily for the Platinum package. In the future, we hope to expand to more cities in the UK (and further afield) but for now the platinum package is to produce your play in a London venue.

Don’t forget, PowerPlay also offer online-only options to support you in the development of your play which include devising an action plan, tools and advice to help you get your show performed in your local area.

See our silver and gold services for more info.

Where will my play be performed?

If you commit to the PowerPlay Platinum package to have your play produced on a London stage for one night only, then we will work closely with you to pick the exact right venue for your show.

We have a number of theatres, private members clubs and performance spaces on our books. When you embark on the PowerPlay adventure, your producer will work to find the ideal location for the show, discussing options with you along the way.

Who will see my show?

Whoever you like! PowerPlay will send invitations to your loved ones, colleagues, industry contacts, friends and neighbours. The night will be a celebration of your play, performed by professional West-End actors, to everyone you want to see your story on stage.

The performance of your show will be invitation-only, from a list of guests you will provide to the PowerPlay producer.

Why only one night? Can my show be performed for a week?

As you can imagine, slots in London theatres and luxury performance venues can be hard to pin down and need much notice to accommodate theatre programming. PowerPlay packages are for one night of magical theatre, though it is possible to discuss two or three night performance options, dependent on venue availability.

This can all be discussed in the PowerPlay discovery call with founder Amy Ewbank, which can be booked here.

I have a play which needs a big & ornate set. Can powerplay help?

PowerPlay will always work directly with the client to find the best solution to get your story told. However, the majority of the plays we produce for PowerPlay playwrights are minimalist in set, costume, props. This is the most cost-effective way to stage a play, and a minimalist approach leaves the PowerPlay players to create the world of the play with your words, evocative lighting, and colourful soundscapes. After that, we allow the audience to let their gorgeous imaginations fill in the gaps!

Having said that, if you feel your play definitely needs a big set, PowerPlay have contact with professional set designers who can work with us to create your world. This would be costed on an individual basis which would be discussed when you embark on your journey with us and meet your PowerPlay producer.

Can powerplay help me get my show programmed at another theatre as well?

No, PowerPlay do not invite theatre industry contacts or producers to your show outside of the PowerPlay team.

We can of course advise you of who we think might love your finished script so you can invite them yourself, but your PowerPlay should not be considered a showcase for “something better”.

The evening itself will be magic enough.

how much does powerplay cost?

We don’t have pricing on our website. This isn’t us being awkward, we promise. This is because we want to tailor every PowerPlay experience to suit client need. The price will vary depending on package chosen, number of actors in the cast, preferred venue aesthetic, and more.

We don’t offer an “off the shelf” service because we know that your playwriting journey is unique to you and the story you want to tell. You may have a script that is nearly done, and need less dramaturgy from your scriptwriting coach, or you may be starting from scratch. Many factors influence the final price.

Every PowerPlay journey is unique.

Book a call with founder Amy Ewbank, to discuss your current situation, to discuss bespoke pricing and design your unique PowerPlay journey with us.

i love it, but i think price might be a barrier. do you offer scholarships?

This is in the pipeline.

Here at PowerPlay, we are acutely aware that theatre is often regarded as a “playground for the privileged”. Though we have several decades of combined experience in the theatre industry as a team, as a new company, we are not yet in the position to offer scholarships.

This is something that we will be working on in coming months, however, as the business grows.

Please sign up to our mailing list in the footer below to be notified when this goes “live”.

The play i want to write is deeply personal. how will i be supported to write it?

The majority of playwrights draw from their lives to write stories for the stage which are deeply personal. In our market research, we found that 86% of aspiring playwrights we spoke to, wanted to write about a story drawn from their own life experiences.

We get it. Our dramaturgs are not only script editing whizzes, but also experienced coaches. This means that you will be working on your script with someone who understands how to safely guide you through the more delicate parts of your story which are personal to you.

One of the most beautiful elements of writing a play is that you also process your own life story. At PowerPlay we ask you to lean into this self-discovery through writing and we have your back every step of the way in the 1-1 sessions with ongoing support as your play takes shape.

How long will it take to get my play from blank page to stage?

If you invest in the PowerPlay Platinum package to have your play produced on a London stage for one magical night of theatre, then everything starts when you have your first meeting with your PowerPlay producer. At this stage, we will work with you to discuss your personal circumstances, and when you can commit to writing your play. Everyone is different and we work with clients to find a timeline and schedule which works for them.

A typical example might be that it would take a PowerPlay client between 6 and 10 months to write their play, with a PowerPlay scriptwriting coach supporting them during weekly or bi-weekly meetings and written editing via email. But this could be much shorter, if a play is already half written, for example.

Once the final draft date for your script is set, your PowerPlay producer will then discuss venue options and book in the performance date to coincide.

When the play starts to take shape, PowerPlay will cast your actors and book them in for rehearsals, leading up to the big performance.

I am neurodivergent. can you accommodate different working styles for my script?

Absolutely. You are in good company. Amy Ewbank, founder of PowerPlay is a late diagnosed autistic woman who knows all about the challenges of operating in a neurotypical world.

PowerPlay celebrate creative brains and different ways of thinking and will always work with clients to support in a way that best lifts and elevates them through their personal playwriting journey.

I already have a finished script ready to go. Can you help?

For sure. If you have a script that you are absolutely happy with and ready to produce, then we can offer a bespoke producing only package.

Just book a call to discuss.